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What Are Some Common Myths With Managed IT Services?

Managed IT Services is a transaction often required by businesses large and small in order to operate efficiently. It’s unfortunate that some owners and managers misinterpret the scale of services provided by a Managed IT Provider. To some extent, there is a contractual obligation toward the expected services, but there is also a simple limitation as to

Managed IT Services

Managed IT Services is a transaction often required by businesses large and small in order to operate efficiently. It’s unfortunate that some owners and managers misinterpret the scale of services provided by a Managed IT Provider. To some extent, there is a contractual obligation toward the expected services, but there is also a simple limitation as to what the IT Provider is capable of doing for your company. Managing your network system, affording security to your records, or simply plugging in your new computer can all be aspects of what IT does, but it has to be contracted in order to hold an expectation of having a particular aspect of the job completed for you.

Contracts and Coverage

A common myth about contracted IT services is that “everything” is covered. No IT service provider is going to contract to enable the software your company uses and expect to spend a week developing your network. Likewise, nobody is going to contract to physically attach your hard components and then set up software for free. Although most IT people can do either job, they specialize. One person might run power cords to individual desks and set up the needs for a computer to run, another person will customize the individual computer to the needs of the job. Although either person can do either job, they don’t, so you need to describe to the Managed Services Representative which of their employees you need to hire to fill your needs and which services you plan to conduct in-house in order to find the right contract with the right specialists you need for consultation services.

Service Level Myths

Some companies offer tiered pricing platforms in the services they offer. To an extent, such offers allow individual businesses to choose what services they need, but at the same time, it has to be understood the provider is going to do their very best regardless of which pricing tier you choose. If you pay only to download new software, no legitimate provider is also going to install it for free, nor can a contract to install software be filled if the programs haven’t been bought and downloaded. No Managed Service can provide free service in addition to their contractual obligations, but it isn’t a myth that they will give you appropriate advice on how to meet your goals and needs.

Every IT Provider Is an Expert

Unfortunately, not everybody who offers IT Service is an expert in the needs of your company. A reputable Service Provider will tell you what they can and cannot do, and will have associates they can recommend toward the services you need which they don’t provide. It isn’t a myth that every IT Provider is an expert. They are, but they aren’t necessarily an expert in every aspect of the field. IT Services are a broad range of helpful ideas toward your company’s success, anyone who claims to be an expert in every aspect of those concepts should be viewed with skepticism.


IT Services are a necessary aspect of every successful business. Some IT work can be conducted in-house, but other jobs require an outside contractor. It’s important to understand what services are provided contractually and realistically as opposed to believing the myths about what an IT Provider can do for you before you hire them, and a reputable company will be prepared to answer such questions as part of their business proposition before you hire them.