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Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Microsoft Teams

In Microsoft Teams, several keyboard shortcuts make working easier and faster. There are also two different ways to easily access a list of keyboard shortcuts.

Using Keyboard Shortcuts in Microsoft Teams

When you spend a lot of time working online, you want that time to be spent as efficiently as possible. When it takes forever to do simple things, it can take a short task and make it longer. In Microsoft Teams, several keyboard shortcuts make working easier and faster. There are also two different ways to easily access a list of keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcuts via Keys

Before you can use keyboard shortcuts, you have to know what they are. Microsoft Teams makes this very easy. You can bring up a list of keyboard shortcuts by using the key combination Ctrl + period. (Use the actual period key, not the word.)

This will bring up a list of all the different keyboard shortcuts you can use in Microsoft Teams. Be aware that some shortcuts differ between the web and desktop versions of Microsoft Teams.

At the bottom of the shortcuts page is a link to “see shortcuts for all platforms.” This will also show you the shortcuts for the MAC platform.

Keyboard Shortcuts via the Command Box

Another way to access the keyboard shortcuts is by using the command box. At the top of the Microsoft Teams page is the command box. Click into this box and type /keys, and hit enter. This will bring up the list of keyboard shortcuts as well.

Examples of Useful Keyboard Shortcuts

There are well over a dozen keyboard shortcuts built into Microsoft Teams. Some of the most useful ones include the shortcuts that lead to open search, open chat, and open activities. These are tasks you are likely to be frequently doing, so easy access to them is extremely beneficial.

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