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Saving Messages in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has several impressive features, including polling, a command box, and themes, among others. An additional positive feature of Teams is the ability to send and save messages.

Saving Messages in Microsoft Teams

Microsoft Teams has several impressive features, including polling, a command box, and themes, among others. An additional positive feature of Teams is the ability to send and save messages. You can save messages you send and messages you receive. What does this look like?

Step One

The first thing you need to do to save your messages is to go to the Teams tab. Under the Teams tab, you will see the posts tab. This is where you will see all your messages.

Step Two

The next step is to identify the message you want to save. You will then hover over the message and look for the three dots up in the top right corner.

Step Three

The third step comes after you click on the three dots. A menu will pop up, and the first option is “save this message.” You will click on this option, and it will save the message.

You will notice a bookmark icon appear in the top right of the screen, which tells you the message saved successfully. The person whose message you saved will not be alerted that you saved the message. It just creates a bookmark so you can easily get back to the message at a later time.

Step Four

When you need to look at a saved message, they are easy to find. Go up to your profile picture in the top right corner of Teams and click on it. Then select the option “saved.”

You can also get to your messages by going up to the command box and typing /saved and hitting enter. This will take you to all of your saved messages.

Step Five

When you no longer need a message saved, you can click on the bookmark icon next to the message to mark it as no longer saved.

At CleverPath IT, we want to help you with your Microsoft needs.  Contact us today for more information.